In our Download-Centre you will find our brochures, dictionaries, sample certificates and order papers. We have also compiled brochures for you here with a presentation of our comprehensive services in the specialist areas of calibration, test equipment management, qualification and validation.
Sample certificates
You can find our ISO and DAkkS sample certificates for our measured quantities electrics, thermodynamics, mechanics, dimensional, flow, acoustics and analytics here:

Calibration & Test Equipment Management
Test equipment management and calibration make a significant contribution to increasing your manufacturing quality. As a full-service provider in the field of measurement technology, Testo Industrial Services is the optimal calibration service provider.

Calibration - High precision reference standards Electrics & Thermodynamics
In our thermodynamic and electrical primary laboratory, we calibrate your high-quality standards and reference measuring instruments to the highest metrological level.

Huminator II - presicion humidity generator
Simple and precise humidity calibration of measuring instruments, probes and data loggers from all manufacturers.

Thermator II - multifunction temperature calibrator
Multifunctional temperature calibrator for the calibration of manufacturer-independent infrared measuring instruments, thermal imaging cameras as well as air, immersion and surface sensors.

Pneumator - pressure calibration an measuring instrument
Pneumator - pressure calibration an measuring instrument.

Declaration of decontamination
Order documents

Forward order
Order documents

Adjustments of electrical reference standards
Order documents